What Physical Education can do for you!

Ask a senior about their experience in my classes and many will reply " This is the first time I actually look forward to gym (Physical Education Class) or "I know we are exercising, but it feels like fun"

From Yoga, to scooter races to the Winter Volleyball Tournament, this class makes your life better!

Improve Academic Performance:

Studies show that physical activity contributes to improved academic performance. Regular activity DURING the school day is associate with higher concentration levels as well as more directed, compose behavior according to a recent article at livestrong.com

Social Assimilation

Being a part of my Physical Education Class helps develop healthy social interactions. You will learn cooperation through group activities, the joy of competing against peers of similar ability levels and having actual FUN while doing it.

Better Mental Health

Having the opportunity to "play"during the school day relieves stress, improves immune function and contributes to better sleep. Better sleep aids in memory consolidation, decreases irritability and provides more energy throughout your day to get things done!